We work with height, machinery, and steel, in potentially dangerous situations. That’s why the health and safety of our employees is our priority above all else.
Safety is part of our culture
At DeVries Cranes, safety is the responsibility of every person on our team. We’re want our team to go home to see their loved ones each night. Just as we want that for every person on your project.
Our team is continuously trained in all aspects of safe practices. This reduces the likelihood of accidents and injury — to our team and to yours. This keeps people safe. And it also avoids downtime, along with the costs, stress, and paperwork that come with it.
All operators and labourers who work with us carry the required High-Risk Work License (HRWL). This ensures they know how to carry out their work safely and efficiently.
We follow safe work guidelines
We work under strict guidelines and standards.
This includes Worksafe Victoria’s strict occupational health and safety guidelines for cranes and lifting equipment and the safe erection of structural steel.
We continuously review:
Industry standards and occupational health and safety requirements
How each employee can contribute to a safe workplace
Common dangers
How to manage risks
Consultation process
For instance, before starting work on-site, we do careful risk management assessments to avoid potential complications or risks.
Regular maintenance
Our equipment and machines are audited and maintained regularly. We test them thoroughly to reduce risks.
Safety matters
Contact us if you have any questions about our safety processes.
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